This was spotted on a Return To Form Friday but for some reason, the computer won't let me upload the pic - possibly because it was so heinous - so please make do with this Paint recreation.
I'm not sure if you can tell what it's meant to be but basically a girl was wearing a backless dress where her bra was fully visible. Looking at the photo, the bra was a bright colour completely different to that of her dress. In my mind, it then looks as though she wanted her bra to be some sort of feature item/accessory.
NONONONONONONONONO. On the other hand, good one for spotting this Lydia!
Omg that's awful :S
Love the Paint skillz btw!
Awesome paint recreation! Almost as good as
But yeah, ugly fashion "statement" or whatev it was supposed to be.
ok, im not going to lie. i thought this was one of your art posts at first. i was all ooh, what is this method? *facepalm*
that outfit irl is absoutely inexcusable.
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