Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Movie review - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Ah! I've been looking forward to this since I read the last book - and re-read the series after finishing my PhuD! To be honest, I'm not sure I'm capable of giving it a proper review due to my eagerness. Kinda like how Lord of the Rings-philes think those movies are awesome (best picture? I think not!). But anyway, I'll try to elucidate some Pros and Cons - spoilers abound so watch out!!!

  • The movie moves manages to remain pretty faithful to the book. I think it should satisfy the book readers by retaining the key moments, but also has quite a number of action scenes.
  • The movie is also satisfyingly scary - especially the start!
  • Despite the scary moments there are also quite a few moments that are funny. Hehehe.
  • The CGI has improved immeasurably from the beginning of the series - Kreacher and Dobby could have been rubber figures, they looked so solid! 
  • On that same note, Dobby is not as annoying as he was the first time around. I felt like crying when he died :( *sniff*
  • The animated break in the middle retelling The Story of the Three Brothers which explains the origins of the Deathly Hallows! EXCELLENT DECISION!!!
  • Alan Rickman totally knows how to rock a cape. I want one.
  • They toned down the Harry/Ginny stuff. Which is good cos it's painful to watch and in a not funny way.

  •  There is a slow bit in the middle where Harry, Ron, & Hermione are trying to figure out what to do and walk around the forest. It was slow to read and it's even slower to watch.
  • Ron's nightmare about Harry and Hermione getting makes the reports about how uncomfortable it was to film visible for all to see. 
  • When they do deviate from the story - I was really upset when Harry didn't rescue Mad Eye's eye!
Well, given the number of pros vs. cons, I guess that gives me the film score!
I can't wait for the conclusion!

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