Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Things I have been doing other than blogging...

So regular readers might have been concerned about the drop off in the level of blogging I haven't done in the last few days.

(Strange, I thought I just heard a pin drop!)

Anyway, here is a list of things I have been doing instead of writing this blog.

Not working on thesis!!! YES - unlike the last few years where I would have been in the lab all alone over the xmas break, I have not been working on my thesis! Okay, maybe a little, but I have not been in the lab or writing!

Baking and Eating. Holidays, the scent of bananas, a lump of butter in the fridge = banana cupcakes. A day later, they're all gone. Clearly, I had to replace them with more cake! I think I'm getting chinny.

Shopping! I resisted going out on Boxing Day and the following day, but Pooey asked for a Wii. So I went out and got one. Hehehehehe.

Boxing. Obviously since I purchased the Wii, I've had to play it right?! My traps and lats hurt. But oooooh...I may have found a my home gym exercise :D

Jigsaw. An evil person who shall remain nameless gave me a jigsaw for xmas knowing that I enjoy these things. Because I am cocky, I said I would complete it within a week. That week ends on Sunday.
What I'd done by Tuesday night.
I'll keep you posted on the progress.

And of course, Sleeping. Mmmm, sleeping in everyday has felt so good :D

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I want a photo of the completed puzzle by 24:00 on Sunday!!!