Friday, July 16, 2010

Kyoot dog!!!

I was happily walking my way down Johnstone St in Fitzy when something AMAZING caught my eye and I did a double-take then went :O :D :O :D

It was this DOG!!! Isn't he adorable?! I think he's a keeshond.

I don't know if the dog's owner get that kind of reaction much. He seemed pretty cool with me rocking over and saying with an excited squeal, "Can I pat your dog?!?!" and then going to the dog, "Aren't you gorgeous?!" while alternately rubbing his ruff and letting him lick my hands. And then when I asked, "Can I photograph your dog?!?!"...well the dog got really excited!!! And then he posed beautifully for this pic.

Awww, so kyoot. I want one!


Unknown said...

you will always find somethign cool fitzroy i am not surprsied at this finding.

i have never seen a dog like this.

Pooey said...

*pat pat*