Saturday, March 05, 2011

Unnatural movement

At 11am, I got the call from Christine (well to be honest, it was actually an SMS) - "Hey Mallymoodle, do you want to go ice-skating today?" Being curious and foolhardy (hi Arthur!) the answer was of course, "Sure why not?" I took Tram 27 to Petuelring and then walked over to the Olympiapark and the Eissportzentrum. 

It was such a nice (albeit cool) day that I took some photos.

I'm not the only person strolling!

So peaceful looking with the trees and lake.

Looking towards the Olympiaturm. I might have to be a tourist and go up it one day.

Inside the Eissportzentrum, I rented a pair of skates, met up with Christine and got on with it while trying not to remember stories of people who had fallen on the ice and died or had near death experiences. 

Skates on!

Other people doing their thing.

Christina was ready to teach me how to skate...

and then later palmed off to her husband, whose hand in a deathgrip as he advised me on technique.

Oh look, I'm skating!!! 

Well not the most comfortable hour and half I'd ever spent, I managed to fall only twice! Once when my skate hit a hole in the ice and the second not long after the first fall, probably because I was forcing myself too much. I'm not sure if this falls within Sport of the Year category but it was definitely something I'd never EVER done before and I will probably try again this year to master!


Pooey said...

Ice skating is fun - reminds me of roller skating in primary school. Though the last I went ice skating it was 2002.

mallymoodle said...

I should post a photo of my bruises.

SuBoo said...

Arthur is foolhardy?

mallymoodle said...

No, he told me he thinks I'm foolhardy.

Mind you, he's the one trying to talk me into going to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone with him...