Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Eurovision and Room Cooling Party.

Okay, I have never professed to be a saint. One of the things that really pissed me off about my flatmate was that she used to throw parties during the week. One party annoyed me in particular because it resulted in the complete monopolising of the kitchen meaning that I was unable to cook dinner. Fuming, I went to Deutschkurs the next day and vented. Ruben, despite his tender years, gave me some sage advice - "She threw a party? You just need to throw a BIGGER PARTY!!!" And thus began the planning for my room cooling party - the opposite of a room warming. At some point it was pointed out that the date I'd chosen coincided with the Eurovision Song Contest so we decided to combine the awesomeness of Eurovision with my imminent escape. Plus the bonus of annoying her. Hehehe.

First of all, I lay down newspaper so people wouldn't destroy my furniture. Secondly, we decided to have some games and drinking game rules.

  1. Everyone had to represent a country. You could nominate your country of origin (e.g. Austrians could be Austria) or you could pull a competing country at random (and thus I ended up being Russia).
  2. As with the *real* voting, you couldn't vote for yourself.
This then led to the competitions...
  1. Official vote! Whoever was the country who won the official vote got a prize!
  2. Internal vote! Whoever was the country who won the internal vote (i.e. the country who partygoers thought had the best song, aka Popular Choice) got a prize!
Then the drinking games...
  1. If a Baltic Country gives another Baltic 12 points, take 1 shot.
  2. If a Scandinavian Country gives another Scandinavian 12 points, take 1 shot.
  3. If Great Britain got not points, take 1 shot!
And this is how I ended up falling asleep at my own party. Epic stuff. 

But anyway, many hours, much noise, a giant pile of empty bottles and one pissed off flatmate later, the winners of 2011....The Official Winners, AZERBAIJIAN
 (they're in Europe?!)

and the Popular Choice...MOLDOVA!!!
Anything that involves unicycles can't be that bad in my book!
Bring on Eurovision 2012!

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