Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I was in Regensburg over the weekend with my amigos y amigas to enjoy the first Weihnachtsmaerkte wochenende (Christmas market weekend). One thing I discovered is that while my chums very kindly spoke English as much as possible for me, I could vaguely understand their Spanish! This has instilled a desire in me to learn Espanol....which may have to occur after I finish learning Deutsch, Francais, Italiano, Zhongwen....

But I've already started! After pointing at a merry-go-round/carousel and telling Ruben that we needed to ride it, he said to me, "Do you know that it's called in Spanish? Tiovivo. Do you know that that literally translates to? Lively uncle." When Eva complained about bizarre word translations, I noted that uncles are the most likely ones to hold you up and spin you in a circle. See? It all makes sense!

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