Friday, November 29, 2013

Movie review - Thor 2: The Dark World.

Following the events of the Avengers movie, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has spent the last couple of years cleaning up various messes in the nine realms, meaning he hasn't had time to head to Earth and see Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). Jane has reluctantly decided to start dating again, and is in the middle of an awkward one when her science-y equipment and colleague Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard) goes haywire. Investigating some of the weirdness, Jane get's transported to a new dimension, where a weapon of potentially mega epic mass destruction, the Aether, is hidden from the Dark Elves who created it. The Dark Elves are alerted to the location of the Aether, and pursue Jane to get it back, leading Thor to jump into action.

Writing that....this sounds like a movie that would totally suck. And thinking about it, the main storyline of the Dark Elves and Aether isn't that interesting. Yet somehow, I walked out feeling totally entertained and satisfied! How was this possible? Well, aside from the main conflict, the movie explores the relationships different characters have with each other, from Thor and Jane, to Jane, Erik and Darcy (Kat Dennings), Thor and the other Asgardians particularly between his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins, chewing the scenery like you wouldn't believe) and his foster-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston), and most interestingly, Loki and his foster-mother Frigga (Rene Russo who I'd forgotten was in the first movie).

But the movie is also very funny. Like the first movie, some of it comes from watching Thor do things that seem bizarre (asking how to take a Tube to Greenwich, hanging his hammer up when entering an apartment). But the best parts are definitely the scenes involving Loki. You'll know what I mean when you see it because you should see it, even if it's just for a lazy DVD afternoon.

Lots of fun. Stupid fun, but fun nonetheless.

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