Monday, March 07, 2016

Return of Frau Feierbiest!

I got a very important message in February. Despite now living in a completely different country, Rubio, mi hermano español, was once again organising tables at Starkbierfest. His message then proceeded to lay on the emotional blackmail - we all lived so far apart from each other now, so many people were returning for the reunion, did I want to be the one to miss out? And then I got another message - Laura was also going to reserve a table the day before Rubio had his! BAM, I WAS THERE!!!

And my god, it was like I never left!

My beautiful, delicious hendl *sniff*

Some Bavarians doing what they do best

Dr Pfft doing what he does best!


Ele and me, we couldn't stop hugging each other. Te voglio bene, tesoro!

Rubio wanted the beer though, so I had to lay one on it to let him know I missed him too

Also beautiful

To be honest, it was a little strange being back in Munich. Getting off at the Hbf, I took a deep breath and got a big whiff of the scent of sugared almonds and roasted meat - smelled like home! And another thing was clear - we had really missed each other since I've been gone :(

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