Now, THIS is a heatwave!!!
Some of you will remember my derision at being in London for what they described at a *heatwave*. Melbourne is going through a once-in-a-century-heatwave right now. Here's a breakdown of the this week's weather.
It is predicted that we'll reach 43 degrees C today as well. That will be a new record if we do get three days in a row above 43 because that has never happened here since records started being kept in the 1850s!!! Another statistic is that it hasn't rained here for over 27 days. So much for so-called 'Melbourne Weather'.
Here's the forecast for next week which is slightly more bearable, if you can consider 30+ temperatures bearable. And the graph tracking the weather for the last 24 hours - 30 degrees at midnight? Power!
Anyway, good thing the boss is in Canberra because I haven't left my house since Tuesday :D
Wow you weren't joking, that is methodical!
It gets close to that in the summer over here as well. Well not quite 43, but terrible enough. I can't stand the heat, I just can't, I'd rather if it were -43 than +43.
Is the air dry or moist where you are?
Because hot and dry is easier to take than hot and's like you have a 25 kg weight on your shoulders. And the worst thing is, there's nowhere you can escape, except in an air condition room, but you're bound to go out sooner or later, and that's frankly the worst part...
It's dry hot because apart from the sun, the wind comes from the north and the west where there's a forest and desert which is super hot AND super dry.
So it's really hard when you're super sweating and then you get a blast of hot wind. It's like extra punishment.
Callie you are very ruud, I just read your English heatwave post and FYI that IS a heatwave for us! If we had heat like you're having now, many of us would actually die, we are just not used to it!
Hahaha, now convert the centigrade to farenheit and you get northern autumn temps. Keep cool!
We've had 40+ for the last week in Adelaide. I think 32 people have died because of it. We've had power outages for up to 26 hours in some areas.
And all of next week is going to be 30+. It never ends.
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