Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Es freue mich!

Remember these shoes?
Well I finally got them soled this past weekend, along with a pair of black mary janes that I got in Paris! I was so happy to finally get them done that I actually smiled and clapped my hands like a little girl. The shoemaker was quite amused and said, "Du bist gluecklich!" (You are happy!) to which I replied, "Ja, es freue mich!" (Yes, it pleases me!)  
 My new Paris shoes. Note the chunky heel that will stop me from falling between the grills of the Munich u-bahn and the cobblestones of Munich streets!

So in the spirit of this entry, I will post other pairs of shoes I've acquired recently, all of which are from Primmy and the last three I got on my most recent visit which led to me having to check in my luggage. I hope they were worth it! And if not, the three did cost about as much as checking in luggage does anyway!
Got these back in Oct with Pooey. They'll look nice with the blue apron I wear with my dirndl!

Something naval to wear with the Amsterdam blazer this Spring/Summer

These are not very me but I got caught up in the Primmy shoe frenzy and ended up trying them on.  They looked good with my black jeans!

And these ballet flats actually slightly padded. Also something I can wear with jeans in the Summer!

Also, I did a count. Including my gym shoes but excluding my house slippers, I have 28 pairs of shoes in Muenchen. I'm actually kinda impressed with that!

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