Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana
I am officially turning into one of those cranky old people. Certainly, age has brought combination of apathy and yearning for the good old days when it comes to children's entertainment. I remember when Hillary Duff started releasing music and I went *who the hell is that?* and then *who?* again when a younger cousin tried to explain the whole Lizzie Maguire thingy. Well it's being repeated again with the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus *juggernaut* but this time, I feel the urge to speak out.
Normally I don't give a rat's ass about whatever tw/eens are watching nowadays. But today I opened to a newspaper lifestyle supplement and the cover image was of Miley Cyrus. Again, I don't give a rat's as to whether she wants to be a good role model or whatever. What I'm raising issue is why the hell does this 15-yo look like she's 30?!
I couldn't be bothered making a scan of the cover but here's another photo that'll give you the gist. (Source)
The posing, the caked on makeup, the grooming...I don't remember what it was like to be 15, but I sure know I didn't look twice my age. The thing is, she doesn't even look like a child pretending to be an adult, she looks like an adult. Where has the juvenile facial softness gone? Is this really what teens are aspiring to nowadays? Something about this just strikes me as being incredibly wrong.
On the flip side, I wonder if she'll look like she's 50 in ten years' time or if she'll go through a Britney-style spiral.
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