Saturday, May 05, 2012

I hate the new blogger interface

For a while, google/blogger has been threatening me with saying I should switch to the new interface. I didn't switch, mostly out of laziness (same thing with facebook timeline). But this week, I was switched over to the new interface to my great distaste. But before I say why I hate the new interface, lets have a look at the old one.

So what's good about it (in my opinion)? Giant tabs for navigation, huge clear fonts, large contrasting buttons, and everything close together. Many people, such as myself, are very lazy. Make it obvious, make it clear, and we're happy. I start at the top by writing my title, write my text, put in the labels, adjust the publishing date if necessary, and then publish.

The new interface looks like this: 

My first thought when seeing this was *wtf, I can't see anything*. My next thought was *where do I find my labels/date adjustment/look at my other drafts?!?!* I'm guessing this was an attempt to make everything look centred and streamlined but instead I'm often trying to remember which drop-down menu I'm supposed to click in order to see the other drafts I have going. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

1 comment:

Pooey said...

Been using the new Blogger interface for ages nao. It's fine!! :P