Sunday, April 21, 2013

Back in Munich, back to business, back to bierfest.

One of the common jokes I made when discussing the timing of my sojourns back to Melbs was that I needed excitement time between bier festivals. Think about it! Christmas in Munich = Christkindlmaerkte and Gluehwein. Then I went back to Melbs and worked (and partied). Then I came back to Munich in time for Starkbierfest. Easter = boring time and I went back to Melbs for a fortnight. And now I'm back again and - lo and behold! - the first weekend I'm back, Fruehlingsfest starts. So on popped the dirndl and back I went to the the the Bayernland Festzelt for Ruben's birthday party. 

With Francesc, Tomas, Patri and Ruben

Ruben received this as a birthday present - a cover for his bier!
It says *Fingers off - this belongs to me!* (in Bavarian dialect).

David and his friend Rafa, who came just for the weekend all the way from Spain. 

Another international visitor - me, Ele, and Cecilia who had come from Italy.

I don't actually know who this girl is. She was German, and I think a friend of Nestor's. 

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