Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter Tourism, ja! - Part 1

For Easter this year,  rather than than exploring close by foreign locales such as Prague (still on the list!), I ended up staying in Munich. Why? Firstly, to save money. Secondly, H was taking he opportunity to start his own European travelling adventures and crash. And why not if you know someone who can provide free accom and guide you around the city with bonus German menu translations?! And you know, I usually end up taking everyone to the same old places but it's always nice seeing the city through fresh eyes again.

So to kick off the tourist trail, H said he wanted to go to a bierhall so off we went to the Hofbrauhaus!
The downstairs hall! There was a Bayern Muenchen game on that day so it was packed full and we had to go upstairs for essen und trinken

My 1L Radler and H's 500ml Weissbier.

Proving that I can drink a mass! *note! Only children and small Asians hold their bier with two hands! But at the same time, why are children drinking 1L of bier?!

H's sausage and sauerkraut

I didn't feel like eating meat so I got schwammerl

We got to chatting with these two girls who were sharing our table. I can't remember their names but they were a Canadian and an American based out of Ireland

H mostly wanted to have a look around the Altstadt and gawp at old things so we trotted off down Sendlingerstr. towards the Tor.

Slight detour into the Asamkirche to check out the Baroque interior 

H's words upon seeing the Sendlinger Tor, "Wow, it's so old!"

Back up north to Residenzstr and the Residenz...

Where we found this fountain and we epically failed at helping another tourist taking a photo

Into the Theatinerkirche to get out of the rain! 

Anyway, you can probably tell that it was really cold. We ducked off to the Univiertel where we looked at shops and got some heisse schokolade to warm up and decide where to go next in the rain. H wanted to see a biergarten so we headed off to the Chinesischer Turm - which was actually closed because of the rain, but you get the gist of it - and then climbed the Monopteros to get the view of the city.
Look how green it is!!!

Oh look, the sun came out eventually

Eventually defeat was conceded and we retreated permanently indoors while I cried about the weather. 

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