Monday, February 16, 2009

Work update

According to the Uni I'm finishing my PhD at the beginning of next month.


Anyway, that's clearly that's not going to happen. I'm going to be reviewed on Wednesday to explain why that's not going to happen and to ask them to keep giving me money nonetheless. It should be okay, although sometimes it feels I'm constantly in
meetings. If they want me to finish, they should just let me work!

Anyway, the fires are still burning :( Here are some amazing photographs of what went down.



The Informed Makeup Maven said...

Got my fingers crossed for you that you do finish next month!

Vanilla Bear said...

Aw Callie *big hugs* The fires look so scary, I can't even imagine what that must be like for all of you living there. Hope they get them all under control soon xx

Also good luck with your phd! I know how hard you're working on it ;)

Stephanie said...

That's sad, but those pics are so amazing.

Also, good luck with your PhD!

blank said...

:O - actual reaction to the pictures. wow.

good luck on your work too!