Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sculpture of the week - Mannekin Pis by Jerome Duquesnoy

Jerome Duquesnoy, Mannekin Pis, 1618-19
Brussels, Belgium

I'm tearing it up with Marene in Leuven/Brussels this weekend so this week's piece is Brussels' most famous sculpture...a bit to their disgust. Would you be proud if one of the major tourist attractions of your city was a fountain sculpture of a little boy urinating?

Often dressed in little costumes to reflect various visitors or events relating to the city, it's not known why Brussels has a sculpture of a urinating boy in the city are there are a number of legends about why it may be so. What is known is that the current Mannekin Pis by Duquesnoy is a 17th century replacement for an earlier fountain already called the 'Mannekin Pis' so

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