Saturday, November 25, 2006


I went to a wedding of some friends today and it was a nice ceremony, very sweet, except for one point that offended me so much that I must comment on it. (Relax, this is not something the bride and groom wrote, so I still extend my felicitations towards them.)

The person delivering the Address was talking about how sometimes one must sacrifice things for their partner. The groom is notable for playing World of Warcraft quite a bit and it was mentioned that perhaps he should sacrifice a bit of his time from playing that to listen to his wife as a sign of his love. Fair enough. The bride is a physiotherapist and it was said that should they be blessed with children, she may have to sacrifice her career as a sign of her love.


I don't have a problem with stay at home mothers, that is not what I'm taking issue with. What offends me is the drawing of parallels between two hours of computer gaming versus a person's livelihood. I was just so flabberghasted that someone with a tertiary degree (I know cos I met the Addressor at uni) could actually come to this conclusion, and I know I wasn't the only one. All I can say is that good thing she's a health professional which is generally sympathetic to people who may not work in their fields for extended periods of time.

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