Saturday, November 28, 2009

Songs of the week

Cannot be bothered picking out some art pieces for this week so I'm posting two songs that vanillabear and caramelbear said reminded them vaguely of me. Kekekeke

Firstly we have Hugh Grant and Co. singing *Pop! Goes my heart!* from the Music & Lyrics Soundtrack.

And now, *I told you I was freaky* from Flight of the Conchords!

Hmmm...makes me kinda wonder how I'm summed up by these two :P
*bis ({)(L)!


Vanilla Bear said...

You are gold.. and... silv-er-er!

That is why :D

Stephanie said...

I said no such thing! This is all Vanilla Bears doing. I don't know why you are implying this like it's a bad thing anyways. VB's FOTC song for me was Cheer Up, Murray.... I think you come out of this situation looking pretty good :P

mallymoodle said...

I don't mean to imply that it's a bad thing! I'm strangely touched that you think I'm gold, silv-er-er, and freaky.

Well, that VB does anyway, since you deny any responsibility :P

Stephanie said...

Why would you even suspect that I would listen to Hugh Grant sing a horribly 80's song, even as a joke? I have no idea where this song even comes from nor do I find it that funny considering I'm young enough to think he actually tried to have an 80's music career. Also, I think you are straight up Gold, but I prefer a different song to explain my feelings;

Sarah said...

The Pop! Goes My Heart video always makes me wonder what ever happened to the guys from Duran Duran.

Vanilla Bear said...

Check out Steph pretending to be Spandau aficionado when it was really me who introduced her to Gold like, last week sometime...

Stephanie said...

It was WAY longer than last week, it was at least like 3 months ago, so talk to the hand right now.