Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Totally looks like

The Federal Election is going to be on at the end of the month and it's been somewhat amusing and disheartening to see the various debates, policy releases and so forth. Anyway, because the incumbent PM is *gasp!* an unmarried woman with no children there has been a level of debate about how can she understand policy about family given that she doens't have one, why her (male) partner isn't by her side, blah blah blah. It also means that she's been featured on glossy women's magazines because if there's one thing the Debate taught us, it's that she's highly appealing to the female voter.

And the biggest female glossy in the country is the Australian Women's Weekly, and lo and behold, Julia's made the cover. Except...with the make up and hairstyle and photography and whatnot, she now looks like this:

Prime Minister Julia Gillard

Which, to me, makes her look somewhat like this woman:

Older woman sexbomb Charlotte Rampling

I suppose there are much worse people you could look like, especially when you don't particularly look like her. But I think we should all be thankful that Gillard chose not to do some of the more risque shots of Rampling's past!

As an aside, I re-watched Keating! The Musical on the weekend past and it made me nostalgic for politicans who took part in those old school verbal stoushes with much colourful invective. The blandness of the Federal Election Debate and the way they seem to have similar policies with different levels of spending reminds me of the Election episode of Futurama where John Jackson and Jack Johnson are the opposing candidates.

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