Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cultural Customs

I'll be the first to say I don't get some/most of the German customs that I've suddenly become immersed in. But what I do find bizarre is when they express *How can you not know of this festival?* Case in point, a colleague said they were going home early recently because it was *St. Martins*. Huh?! Apparently on this day, children make lamps and walk around the streets with them. Firstly, as a country that has separate church and state as well as being established as a Protestant country (which doesn't recognise saint days), of course it I have no idea what it is! Also, did you know that Christmas presents are given on the 24th of December here? I mean, I don't celebrate Christmas but why would you get the presents before lil' baby Cheezus was born? Anyway, I believe that if I have to celebrate German traditions, it would be a fair trade that they celebrate Asian/Australian ones, right? So I should have gotten the second Tuesday in November off as Melbourne Cup Day, right? RIGHT?!? Or even better...my married colleagues give me money for Chinese New Year...:D

But to finish, here's another German thing I don't get. Lots of Germans love Winter and say it is their favourite season. Here's a picture of somewhere I will be avoiding like the plague during that season - The Alps!
As photographed from the Olympic Park. It was a cold night.

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