Monday, November 26, 2012

La huitième fois à Paris - part three

Following the excesses of Saturday and the general state that most things are shut on Sunday, we decided to take it easy and, as the skies had finally cleared, enjoy some more strolling around. Despite the chilliness of the day, we headed by Notre Dame on the way to the Ile St. Louis to score ourselves some Bertillon ice cream :D
Enjoying my peach sorbet in Square Jean XXIII 

The less commonly seen rear of the cathedral.

Le sigh

There was surprisingly little traffic around the Arc de Triomph for a Sunday afternoon!

Since it was really quite cold, we adjourned to le McDo for some (cheap) hot beverages and (cheap) canneles. 

Not bad, but not Fauchon-level. Basically you get what you pay for.

After an obligatory visit to Chinatown to eat an asian meal, I got a phone call from Gnoudesavanes and Michelle to meet them on the Champs Elysees because they were going to have Lebanese food for dinner. Somewhat shockingly (because apparently it was quite popular), the restaurant we were initially going to go to had closed and we ended up at Al-Ajani instead. This was actually quite a fortuitous discovery because it was excellent - the food was flavoursome and the service was extremely friendly even though we no doubt looked like a bunch of bum students. 
Dinner mates

Seriously, excellent food and we'd ordered too much.

But the most amusingly was what was happening in our environs. While we were having dinner, a sports car (Porsche or Ferrari, I can't remember) pulled up outside and a driver got out and...let out a passenger? Even more confusingly, as we were leaving, we noted that the licence plates were in Arabic script?! Did they DRIVE that car all the way across EUROPE?! And then we saw an incredibly hideous coat in the window of Hermes. What was even more hideous was the price - €35,000. This is not a joke. We thought we'd read it wrong until, really did cost as much as a car. 
Anyway, all good things had to come to an end, and how better to end than with this, the Christmas lights on the Champs Elysees. And I look forward to coming back again next year!

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