Thursday, December 06, 2007

I am her mother

I have a fair deal of amusement with Amelia. I'll stick her photos on my msn and sometimes people will ask me who she is. Whenever I feel like screwing with a few minds, I like to tell them she's my daughter - hey, I'm the right age for it! And to make it even more convincing, I tell them she's the reason why it took me so long to finish my undergraduate degrees! Eventually I do tell the truth only to get people to say they reckon she'd look like how my own daughter may appear.

Well the happy folk at have set up a look-alike-meter to see how much kids resemble their parents. And I could be her mother!

(I'm aware I'm definitely NOT her father)

and it appears that I look equally like Ma & Pa

I also did Spuey

Much to my surprise, he looks like Pa?!

Anyway, I think Pooey and Circle will enjoy trying this out :P

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