Thursday, December 27, 2007

Stonegrilling with Peishapan and crew

Peishapan had a fly-in, fly-out visit and to celebrate her short return + Xmas, we went to that oh-so traditional restaurant, Ishiya Stonegrill! For those who don't know Stonegrill, basically you get a chunk of raw meat (of your choice) and a volcanic rock set at 400 degrees celsius and you fry the meat to your liking.

Yes, you go there for the food - you sure as hell don't go there for the service. The waitresses were so pushy - they tried to take away my drink when it was clearly not finished! And when Kahuna asked for still water, they gave him acqua de panna ($5). But when we really needed them for things like, oh, placing our orders....they were so slow! And then they got the entire thing mixed up! So many times did they come to our table to request again and again who had ordered what. Tsk.

But back onto the good stuff - the food!

Mmmmmm, meeeat.

The sauces to go with our meeeeeat.

Digging into my meeeeeeat.

For people who have been there before, e.g. me, Kahuna, we know the drill - you get your food, you quickly cut bite sized pieces, sear it quickly and then into your
mouth before moving onto the next piece. Don't waste your time talking or else that steak will quickly become well done and bouncy - as proven to us by Peisha's brother.

But meat is not the only thing on the menu that's highly enjoyable!
Maybo savours the aroma of her udon and unagi and shares the news.

So yes, thanks to Peishapan for organising such a fun meal and hope you had a good flight back!

1 comment:

Pooey said...

mooey, your meeeeaaaat pics no workies