Saturday, October 03, 2009

Sculpture of the week - The Kiss by Rodin

Auguste Rodin, Le Baiser, 1889
Musee Rodin, Paris

This famous piece of work by Rodin was based on the story from Dante's Inferno, relating the story of Francesca da Rimini and her (almost) affair with her brother-in-law, Paolo Malatesta. The two fell in love while reading about Guinevere and Lancelot, were discovered, and then murdered by her husband Giovanni. The two (almost) lovers were then condemned to the second circle of hell. Believe it or not, this event (not the hell bit) is actually based on a true story!

As with many other figures that were originally part of his Gates of Hell doors, the Kiss component was removed and both sculpted and cast in bronze many times. There are lots of copies of floating around various places in the world, including Bendigo!

I VERY highly recommend the Musee Rodin (
Hôtel Biron, 79, rue de Varenne, 75007) if anyone is going to Paris anytime soon. Not only is it chock-full of Rodin's sexy works (duh) but you can see little details in his work that are not readily apparent in photographs of his works. For example, the two figures in The Kiss, are not actually kissing! I can't remember how separate they were, but they are! You can also see the shiny bald spot Rodin left in the bronze bust of his father or teacher, I can't remember. Clearly I need to return!

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