Thursday, January 21, 2010

Movie review - Paranormal Activity

This is allegedly the scariest movie ever. Unlike the last movie I reviewed, it's not dependent on special effects but rather playing upon the basic human fears of unexplainable happenings and things that go bump in the night.


I watched this with Pooey and Smee (a notorious movie pussy) and well, Smee was the one who said "I found Harry Potter 1 scary...this was bullshit." This movie masquerades as a video made by a couple - Katie and Micah - to try and record the weird goings on around the house. Turn's out Katie is being stalked by a demon. We're supposed to feel creeped out by watching their psychological disintegration.

Except that we feel nothing because these people do everything they're advised not to - buying a ouija board, trying to communicate with the demon - or don't do things that sane people would -LIKE STAY IN A HOUSE THEY THINK IS POSSESSED!!! It tries too hard to come across as *real* and fails completely because the
acting is too unconvincing. Or as Pooey said "Ugh, Katie is so annoying! When is she going to die?!" Seriously, the three of us sat around to shit our pants and basically ended up bored and waiting for the end.

Scariest movie ever, hey?


SuBoo said...

I still would be scared. I am so chicken.

Puck puck.

Pooey said...

This movie was one of the lamest movies ever.

The whole 'using a handheld camera so it appears like real footage' is overdone and screams 'im trying really hard to make this look convincing'

Re: Katie, I think I actually said "Just die already." or "I want her to die." Sumfin like that... hehe