Monday, June 27, 2011

Sushi Sano

I have craved many things since I moved here. Close to the top of this list are Asian food and seafood. Combine these two and you have me crying over not being able to eat sushi (amongst other things). I accept that one of the problems is due to Munich being a landlocked city with a not particularly large Japanese population. Luckily, there is a wonderful invention called *The Internet* and I used it to look up Asian restaurants here. Based on a suggestion on (apparently looking this up makes me a stereotype), I decided to go to Sushi Sano.

I took a look at the menu and was pleasantly pleased at the different raw seafoods available.
Jakobsmuschel?! YES PLEASE!!! (Scallops for the non German-readers)  

But then I started to panic - I was a hungry girl and one piece at €1 each? I'm someone who can eat at least 250g of sashimi and was one half of a small Asian duo who ended up paying $50 at a$2.50/plate (hai Poo!). After calming myself down, I decided to set myself a budget - how much would I be willing to pay vs. what I wanted to eat. And so I decided to get the following...

2x Tobiko, 2x Tako, 2x Jakobsmuschel
2x flounder (I thought it was squid :(), 2x Tuna, 2x salmon!

After eating these 12 pieces, I wouldn't say I was as stuffed as I can get when I'm eating this much sashimi, but I was comfortably if not outrightly pleasantly full. While the fish may not have had the slight crunchiness of superfresh raw fish, it definitely did not have the slightly sour taste of the not so fresh. This is a good thing. 

So, out of the three places I've had sushi/sashimi in Muenchen, Sushi Sano is near the top and will definitely will get a revisit!

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