Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Very Bavarian Christmas Part 2

Here are some more traditional Christmassy things that I didn't know about until I came to Chermany...
Advent candles, one for each week of Christmas. They start off different heights, and by the last week, they're the same!

Cherry blossom branches. If the blossoms form at Christmas, it means good luck for the new year! YES!!! *pumps fist*

A couple of weeks before Christmas, Jul asked me if there was anything I didn't eat. HAHAHAHAHAHA *wipes away tear*. And so, Jul's ma decided to roast a goose for Christmas lunch.


Following lunch, it was time to open the presents
Christbaum mit viele geschenken!

Jul's nephew was the one to dole out the presents

And then we all rolled around on the floor enjoying our gifts!

This pattern of eating and then sitting around and then eating more was continued for a few more days. I actually had to request a walk through the village to rest between meals! Otherwise a good first traditional Christmas!

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