Saturday, September 09, 2006

Quiet weekend at home part two

Today I went ball dress shopping with Kirsty. (I'll post photos of what I bought soon - stupid me left my camera at uni!) I'm tired now, so I'm going to spend the rest of the day at home...possibly watching TopGear.

After starting off on Lygon where I tried on a 50s-style strapless black ruffled dress, Kirsty
tried on a magenta grecian-style gown. We both liked our dresses, but had enough misgivings (me about the style, she about the colour and cut) that we called Ash as an emergency third option and went to lunch. We decided to head into the city where we would meet with increased options. Kirsty was adamant she wanted a black dress while I was pretty sure I wanted a red one, and after working our way through a number of stores looking for black grecian and red strapless gowns...we ended up at the first stores we went to and buying the first dresses we tried on. Ah well. I also bought these shoes from Ninewest - they were too cute to pass up and matched the dress!

I guess I'll just have to not buy any new clothes for the summer.

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