Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Brain fried

Life has become pretty boring - I think all the time I sit around trying to churn out data is frying my brain of all the stupid opinions I used to have :(. I'm even considering coming in during the Easter break so I can cut some tissue with no one to kick me off the machine :O. Shocker.

Having said that, some of the data I produced on Monday is quite purdy.

Anyway, yesterday I had a complete brain meltdown and did a number of stupid things.
1. I forgot to put on two secondary fluorescent labels. I was on the microscope and only one colour went up. I've done the s100b a zillion times and it always works so...yeah. Luckily I took the coverslip off and fixed it.
2. Went home from uni even though I was supposed to stay in Parkvilled to help Nance make e-party invites.
3. Went home without my purse. Good one, that.
4. Took a drink of coke, but the coke went down the side of my face instead of in my mouth.

I'm stoopit!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't stress Ally, get some sleep. We all do stupid things!