Sunday, April 22, 2007

When PhD students go bad...

Adey is supposedly a PhD student. As such, he is supposed to be churning out experiments that don't work, putting in 12 hour days and 6 day working weeks. Instead, he has taken off Friday and flown interstate....TO PLAY GOLF. When you throw a number of *bright minds* into the one room, you would expect fantastic, original results. Well this result may not be original, but you've gotta admit, it's pretty damn fantastic.

The Whole Deal
A different view

Close up of the chair and drawers

We tried to do the cords but they seem resistant to the sticky substance

Just in case we forget whose desk it is ;)

Gee, I'm kinda scared about leaving my desk now.

The stats!
800 post-it (TM) notes
4 people
20-30 minutes
I don't know how many square metres

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