Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I can't think of anything to write about

You've probably noticed a significant drop-off in the number of blogs posted. I think I must either
a. Completely blogged myself out after Europe and kicking out all those blogs in 2 days
b. Too much lab work to make up for the month off
c. Not enough Big Nights Out with crazy photos
d. By saving money for next year's trip, I'm doing less shopping.
e. I'm becoming less opinionated?!
f. Less books, more journals?
g. Need to spend more procrastinating on youtube
h. There hasn't been any celebrity issue I've cared enough about to comment on.
i. No food has made a big enough impression on me to post a big entry on it
j. Same old stuff on TV
k. I haven't seen any new movies.

But in other news, I watched Transformers again...but this time it was at IMAX. It made all the giant robot fights even better!

Damn I want pancakes

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