Friday, May 02, 2008


Okay, I'm in New York with Dr. I-K's Uncle Nory...but this entry is about what happened when I travelled from FL to NY. I was *randomly* selected for a security check and

The first alarm went off when Antonia and I were told to use a very scanning line that was roped off from everyone else. Second alarm went off when as soon as they looked at my passport, the guard yelled out *CODE ELEVEN!!!!* The third one was when the scanning guard said *I'll take your boarding pass*. Fourth one, when I walked through the metal detector (which didn't go off), another guard told me to take a seat.

A little guard wielding a hand-held metal detector walked up to me and she informed me that I may refuse the which point I started giggling. Note to future travellers, don't wear jeans through US airports. Those little metal studs and zip just set the machine off and she apologetically said she was going to use the back of her hand to make sure I wasn't wearing anything. Also, if you're a girl, don't wear underwire bras. When she frisked me there I just burst out loud. She joined in on the laughter which just got crazier when she ran it over my head and the alarm went off again - I had clipped back my fringe.

Anyway, I'm off to the Museum of Natural History today - Dinosaurs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
