Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sorry for the boring blog lately

It feels like all I've been doing lately is follow the Spain as they progress through Euro 2008 (VIVA ESPANA!!!), convincing various ACB girls to join in on the Spain-love much to the disgust of The Pom who is trying to convince us that we should be looking towards Rugby for Real Men, exercise, eating, and working. *sigh*

Actually, something I did do that was kinda interesting - I organised for some ACBers to go have pho. I was surprised by the number of pho virgins who agreed to come along! I had the Pho dac biet/Ta Pin Lu a.k.a the Chicken and Beef Combination Special. While many org
an meats were present (tripe, tendons, giblets), I was really disappointed to not receive the really hardcore organs. It sounds kinda wrong to say I was looking forward to eating congealed blood and a chicken heart but I was.

Unforch, I forgot to take some photos which which I could torment Pooey who is still in her pho desert. Instead here's a pic from the intersmet. (Source)

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