Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Books so far this year (and a bit of last year)

I have been pretty good at stopping myself from buying books this year. It was difficult, but for the most part, I held out until I got to the US and UK and books were a lot cheaper due to their weak currencies. *sigh :D* So in commemoration of s 20% fortnight, I thought I'd write about some of the books I've purchased....and might have read...so far this year.

Malcolm Gladwell's Blink
Recommended to me by Miss Pooky, an interesting look at not only why you should trust your gut instincts but also how to make them better!

Michael Pollan's In Defence of Food and The Omnivore's Dilemma.
When I was in the Fort Lauderdale, I noticed some really weird things about the food. Like how sweet the bread was - sweet even for someone who loves Viet (French) bread. That and how orange American cheese is. And I was kinda disgusted by the way food was advertised there - like making your breakfast coffee or cereal 'better' by adding Cool Whip *cough* YEUCH! One night while having dinner with Dr. P., she told me about her US food experiences and recommended these books to explain what has happened to the US food industry. Having read these books, I have resolved never to live there and to only eat vegetables and seafood there if I must.

Sergei Lukyanenko's Night Watch Trilogy/Tetralogy once Final Watch comes out.
I LOVED the Night Watch movie!!! It was so fun! So when I found out my local library had the trilogy, I borrowed and read them. And they were also so fun!!! So I had to buy them. Can you blame me?! The narrator for most of the books, Anton Gorodetsky, isn't all-powerful and I find his snarkiness about the conditions of the New Russia hilarious. Makes me want to go there!!!

Anne Bishop's Tangled Webs from the Black Jewels Series.
Another fun fantasy/horror series which I wrote about here.

Paullina Simons' Road to Paradise (unread).
It's funny that this should be unread. It's probably because I bought it in trade paperback - a size I almost never invest in due to it's cumbersome nature. It might also be because I bought it so Paullina Simons would sign it - I shrieked like a fangirl when I realised she was in the store! EEEK! Made me wish I had my Bronze Horseman books with me *fret fret*

Stephenie Meyer's The Host (unread)
Those readers may remember that I loved Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. I knew The Host would be coming out while I'd be in the US/UK and wondered if it would be cheaper to purchase it there. I never managed to find The Host in the US until I got to JFK airport where I found it in hardcover. I wasn't going to lug a hardcover book with me around Europe! Especially not one where I didn't know how much it cost. And then when I was killing time in Borders Oxford Circus...there was a giant stand saying that The Host was being sold for three days at the special price of....7 pounds. I SHIT YOU NOT!!! The exchange rate of the day put it about $15. That's like what it would cost here in small paperback! And to add extra sweetness to the deal, it was coming with the bonus first chapter of Midnight Sun - the first chapter of Twilight retold from Edward's point of view. SOLD! So I then proceded to lug the book around Europe...and not read it. But I will. *nod*

I also got myself Disease - The Extraordinary Stories Behind History's Deadliest Killers which is pretty fascinating stuff. Good for the nerd in you.

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