Sunday, June 01, 2008

The post-trip shopping blog!

I really can't believe it. I only bought two pairs of shoes on this most recent trip! And I didn't buy any clothes in Paris?! What the hell was I doing on this trip?! And with that in mind, lets see what I did buy!

After much rage and storming about, I finally found these ankle boots at a store in SoHo, NYC. They weren't exactly what I was looking for - I don't know if I can handle heels that high for an entire day in the lab. They're also a bit of a bitch to get on and off. But once I had them on in the store, I was struck by their absolute hotness. And the 50% discount. Thus, they became mine.

The shoes from Furla that I bought in absolute frustration when I couldn't find an appropriate pair of ankle boots at Woodbury Common. At 100% leather, they smell absolutely beautiful. I don't know if I could ever make myself wear them.

A lot of people told me that when America goes on sale, it GOES ON SALE. I picked this up at BCBG for $US70. For a wool/cashmere/nylon blend. *faint* This was in size XS which is a little bit large on me (wtf?!). But for that price, I would have gotten the S which swamped me!

I also got this in BCBG. It was hard trying to pick out one pretty dress out of all the ones in the store.

This also came from BCBG.

I bought these from a street vendor in SoHo, NYC. She managed to pick me out from my accent and commented that Aussies seemed to form a large percentage of her clientele.

Where's Wally?! (from H&M)

H&M t-shirts

No trip to London is complete without entering the mosh pit that is Primark! I got this dress and skirt after the Hampton Court Palace visit when me, Pooey and the Grand Empress decided to brave the Saturday arvo crowds to satisfy the Empress' desire to get some summery feminine dresses.

A few days later when I went on a more sedate weekday morning (well, sedate compared to the weekend), I got these Primmy jumpers because I figured I needed to come back with some winter clothing.


Anonymous said...

Go Elphaba!

Love the coat and jumpers. Stripe dress rocks!

Anonymous said...

very stylish and fashionable clothes...

Anonymous said...

I love the coat and jumpers....Its very cool..

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! I like the clothes....

Anonymous said...

I love those lovely T-shirts....