Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend round up!

It's been a long time since I drank so recklessly! But after getting to uni at 9:30 on a Saturday (hell, that's earlier than some days I get in during the week!) and then spending 8 hours there making blocks and cryosectioning....can you really blame me?

After that misery, I headed into the city for a night's revelling in celebration of Kt's birthday. Foolishly, I ate a small dinner very early and then followed it up by drinking four glasses of shiraz in 3.5 hours.
The effect recalled the time I drank half a jug of sangria and then followed it up by eating the fruit - Hi Lydia! Actually, it wasn't that bad. I think I would have been alright if I had a bag of green tea red bean buns from Breadtop. Either way, there was some cha-cha-cha dancing with Vinh and conversing with a D-lister.

And then I counted cells and did two loads of laundry on Sunday.

Yes, life is complete.

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