Saturday, June 01, 2013

London Transport Museum, yeah!

Following our Cake Battle, Pooey and I waddled from Piccadilly to Covent Garden to go to one of Pooey's favourite museums - the Transport Museum! And you know what? It's now one of my favourite museums! I was so excited to be here that I couldn't stop shaking and squealing. Basically, I had too much mental and visual stimulation that my latent autistic tendencies revealed themselves. And why wouldn't I be excited?! After starting our visit by riding in a time machine, we ended back in the 18th century...
...where people travelled via sedan-chairs! This guy doesn't look that happy to be in one though.

And then I enjoyed taking a ride in a post-chaise with a woman from ye olden times and a modern-age father and son.

When the age of steam trains arrived, I was happy to be near the train that goes to Baker St!

Then I made a rude gesture to this guy!

Then I really enjoyed sitting in this carriage. Oohh yeah.

Then I really admired the fashions worn by these mannequins on the tube from the 70s. 

After all the time travel, we made it to....HOLY CRACKERS!!! LOOK AT ALL THOSE OLD BUSES AND TRAINS!!!

Making the bell on the tram go *brrriing brrrrrrrring!

Oooh yeah, waiting for the tube on the old Hammersmith bench!

And then riding on an old Tube carriage!

Then pretending to be on a modern-day escalator!

Then here I am waiting to drive a modern-day tube. In the end, I didn't. There were too many kids ahead of me.

So instead I made it their worst day driving the tube EVER!!!

But seriously people, keep off the tracks. 

Now here I am on the bus that goes by Pooey's place!

I had to kick a kid off the driver's seat to get my chance to sit down in the driver's seat


And so to end, I had to enter the portal to the museum shop where Pooey and I spent about another hour going nuts over underground/tube branded stuff. 

Everything you need to know about it is basically in Pooey's like except for the fact that it now costs £15 to get in. It's a bit expensive by London attraction standards (I mean, the British Museum is free), but it's totally worth it.

1 comment:

Ethan Marcotte said...

It should be really amazing to experience these olden day's travels..