Thursday, July 20, 2006

Psychic vibes?

I used to enjoy sectioning. I'm sure I talked about the joys of using the microtome last year. This year I'm using a cryostat to section liquid-nitrogen frozen tissue. It's not as fun as paraffin sectioning. For one, paraffin sectioning can be completed quite quickly if you can *create* ribbons of sections. You can't do that with the cryostat, thus the process is a lot longer. And colder. And tedious.

I had a difficult day on the cryostat today (man, that name sure is fitting!). I won't go into the details - lets just say that when I got back to toshi, I immediately changed my msn suffix to *I need a drink. Many drinks.* Something that didn't make the task easier was to have ppl phone me! For some reason, people always seem to phone me while I'm all gowned and gloved up and sectioning! They don't phone when I'm on the microscope or doing general lab stuff. I assume I must be putting out psychic waves of pain to my nearest and dearest. Today I got two equally pointless calls whose sole purpose was to make me more frustrated.

Firstly my cousin phoned me to ask where I got my haircut in boxy. It seems she was randomly there and wanted to check the place out. Right. And then Poosey, my sister, rang me to replicate one of Dave Chapelle's A Day in the Life of Lil' Jon routines. SHE JUST RANG TO SAY *WHAT?!?!* down the phone!!!

Me so angry after that!!!!

Peace out!

1 comment:

Pooey said...

Moo, no one reads your blog anymore. Only ppl who are blood-related do. WHAT!?!?!?