Thursday, August 24, 2006

I have superpowers

Pracs have started up again (yay! easy cash!) and I'm reminded that all the time I've spent at uni hasn't been such a waste of time. At the very least, I can say that I know how to use a microscope correctly, something some medical students may never do.

This week I've had to supervise two "Focus on the Microscope" sessions whereby the students are taught to use them. Unfortunately due to time constraints, the instructions on how to use the microscopes are run through pretty quickly. Half the time, I end up just focusing the thing for them so that they don't fall too far behind. My doing this lead to a funny moment in this morning's prac as I answered a bunch of hands saying that they couldn't see anything down the objective. I then went through the machines and quickly focused for them. As I walked away, I heard someone mutter "Holy shit, how did she do that?!" in incredulous tones.

I imagine this is how Batman must feel.

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