Saturday, May 26, 2007

Data from the new confocal!

I celebrated my birthday week by going kur-ray-zee!!!!! on the new Meta and Pascal confocal microscopes from Zeiss. And let me tell you, they are absolute beauties. Scary machines, but beauties.
Super-compressed triple wholemounted retina showing vessels, pericytes and astrocytes

On Thursday night, Erica hosted a goodbye dinner for Theresa. It didn't end that late, but I was absolutely wrecked by the time I got home. Problem was that I had one of those nights where you flip over and go *oh, its 3:00am* and then a bit later go *oh, its 3:30am*. So I eventually got about 4 hours sleep (I allowed myself to sleep in)....and then followed it up by spending 5 hours on the confocals. How I managed to stay awake in those dark cold rooms, I'll never know.

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