Monday, June 15, 2009

Hardcore weekend roundup!

Sometimes, you need a weekend full of activities that are thesis-free. This past-weekend was not a thesis-free weekend but it may as well have been!

Firstly it was kicked off with Suboo's big 3-0 birthday party! Even though we weren't that late, I was mildly amused to be greeted with an exuberant headlock and then being dragged off to the loos where I then had her begging me to get her some toilet paper because her cubicle was out. Suboo lived up to her man-magnet reputation when we acquired the random Kiwi, Ross. He was going back to NZ on Sunday and was out celebrating a Friday when he 'lost' his friends and ended up hanging out with a bunch of Asian chicks. This is my fave photo of the situation with Suboo smiling winsomely at the kiwi as I gaze on in amusement, all photographed by Mischka!

See that hot dress she's wearing? She nearly didn't buy it - I had to get other ppl around Myer to convince her she looked hot in it!

On Saturday morning, I manged to drag myself out of bed to meet some Path ppl and have the best hangover remedy lunch possible - yumcha! Mmmm, dumpling goodness. I can't remember everything I ate but there were at least 2 egg custard tarts due to a mixup in the order resulting in our table of 12 receiving 16 tarts. You'd think you'd never see the day when one needs to struggle to get one of those down but that day did arrive. There's also a photo somewhere of French Pierre eating a phoenix (chicken) foot but in reality he didn't eat it - he turned it inside out to make it look like he at it. Weak.

Li with all the yumcha money (as held by me)
We then braved the cold cold winds to go to Max Brenner for some warmingly comforting chocolate drinks.

And then on Sunday, the most hardcore activity of all - Suboo's birthday paintball. Some people expressed horror that I was being given a gun, a paintball gun, but something that fires projectiles at 300kmh nonetheless! Not having been before, I was advised to rewatch war movies, something like Platoon or Black Hawk Down to get myself into the ducking and shooting frame of mind. I didn't follow that advice but the memories I hold from all the other times I'd seen them clearly stayed in my mind because I'm not finding that I'm hugely injured today. I was a *lucky ducker* in that I'd bob out to shoot, then duck back behind my shelter and feel a *whoosh* as a paintball was fired into the space formerly occupied by me! I was (un)fortunately mostly hit in the chest so I'm relatively injury-free since girls were given breastplate armour, but I do have some bruising on my legs. However, they are not as spectacular as the bruises Suboo scores so here are the pics of her bruises!

L - The bruise on Sunday night, R - Monday night!

So yes, big weekend all round - AND I managed to do some writing on Sunday night! Score!


SuBoo said...

Yes it was a great weekend - but man I so don't remember a lot of stuff from Friday. Bah.

Vanilla Bear said...

JESUS CHRIST! Those bruises! Suddenly my severe sunburn feels less sore in comparison :S Poor SuBoo :(

SuBoo said...

Thanks Vanilla Bear! I actually got a FB msg from an old work colleague who told me she got something similar when she played paintball, and she left it and now she still has discolouration on her leg!! I am so going to be buying some cream or something for it, even if hardly anyone has inner thigh access!

Unknown said...

Hardcore baby, hardcore.