Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hung Parliament?

So, the election is over and it appears we may have a Hung Parliament (also known as a Minority Parliament) because neither major parties managed to score the 76 seats required to gain control of the House of Reps. There have been jokes about whether it's going to hang to the left or the right. I just hope it manages to hang to the left because when I think about Tony Abbott going to a conference of international leaders, such as the G20 or APEC....*shudder*.

For more of these, go to

It appears many people were as uninspired as myself about both parties, except that while I submitted my ballot paper correctly filled in (below the line to make sure that preferences were directed to whom I wanted, not by the party), many others submitted informal votes. Whether this is because someone told everyone to vote informally on TV is currently being investigated.

1 comment:

Lynnie said...

hahaha......gays on boats........hahaha....