Monday, January 31, 2011

German Pastry Adventure - Krapfen

While I was in prison, one of the things I attempted to do to alleviate my boredom was to reverse translate Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen back into English. I got through about four or five pages when I gave up and decided to just read the original English text. But the most important thing I learned in those pages was the word for donut - der Krapfen.

This past weekend, I met up with ChrisH to make up for being in hospital during his birthday/housewarming and to drop off my gift of Honey Joys (quote, "Ahh...they smell like home!"). As we were toddling around and bitching about things that annoy us, like European pillows, he mentioned that he hadn't had lunch so ventured to a cafe where he ate a schnitzel and I utilised my expanded German vocabulary. 

Behold! A standard Krapfen!
Mmmm, powdered sugar and apricot jam filling.

I can't remember the actual name of this Krapfen - it had a much longer name that included a brief description of what it was. How to was a lovely ball of deep-fried dough filled with apricot jam and lightly dusted in Puderzucker. I was however annoyed that I was given only a fork to eat my Krapfen and trying to use it to cut it into bite-sized pieces was apparently very highly amusing. In the end, I just used my hands. Mmmmm. 

The pastry quest continues!

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