Saturday, January 08, 2011

A Truth Universally Acknowledged...

...that women the world over love Pride and Prejudice and Colin Firth is the DEFINITIVE Mr. Darcy!

I was hanging out at Yuliana's place before Xmas when I noticed she had not one, but two copies of Pride and Prejudice. When I pointed it out, she said she LOVED the book and had watched the BBC edition many times - but not the German dub version because apparently it's 1.5 hours shorter (wtf?!) - and in fact, she had the DVD right there!!! Naturally, I was :D and as we trotted off to work's Xmas party, we agreed that we had to watch the episodes again together. We caught up with Caro and told her of the plan, whereupon Caro informed us that she had NEVER seen it. We were both :O and invited her along!

After a decadent brunch, we three settled in to watch it. And just like the last time I watched all six hours in a row, we sat enraptured and commented along with the scenes! For example: 
  • When Firth makes his appearance at the Meryton Assembly rooms, Caro's priceless comment was, "Is that Mr. Darcy? Oh my god, HE'S A MAN!!!"
  • Shuddering at how sweaty Mr. Collins always looks. 
  • Reciting Darcy's original proposal with him!
  • "Dearest, loveliest come no one ever says dearest, loveliest Yuliana?!"
 Caro said she went home in a haze of loveliness, to the extent that her bf asked her to leave 1815 Hertfordshire and come back to Munich. And as we discussed how awesome the series is today, another girl revealed she had NEVER seen the BBC version, only the Keira Knightley movie version! We all looked at each other and declared that we must simply do it again! HOORAY!!!


Pooey said...

Never watched the BBC series despite it being on my to-do list for years. I have only seen the Keira Knightley version too which didn't impress me much.

Oh and I saw Bride and Prejudice too. Does that count? It was a bit painful.

Lynn said...

WAT THA FARRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKK??? Watching the 6 hr version is prob the best 6 consecutive hours of my life. lol. oh wait, no, my wedding was prob marginally better. Or maybe the first 6 hrs of Danny's life. It is AWESOME!! We sooooooo have to watch it together and u are not allowed to fall asleep. The keira one is actually ok, but this by far superior.

Alice - my fave scene by far is when Mr Darcy comes out of the lake swimmign and is shocked to see Lizzie there. I love the awkwardness :)))))