Wednesday, February 23, 2011

London catch ups

I caught up with a number of friends and family while in Ol' Blighty. The first slot was taken by Sue, Tony & Roman who I thankfully caught before they attempt to resettle in Sydney after over a decade in London. Good luck! Secondly I met up with Soph who told me the happy news that she has been accepted into an internship and will no longer be sitting in her cupboard under the stairs looking for an internship - hurrah! Next was Amandine with whom I shared a cheesy teppanyaki dinner at Benihana followed by drinks at the Mayfair Club. It was an interesting experience. Then I met up with Liz for a day of shopping and general chatting. I appear to have only take photos of these catch ups on my phone so I'll just skip to the things I know people would rather see. 

The things I bought!

The Pillow + Suitcase that were the victims of attempted theft.

Cute skirt from Primmy! I wasn't going to buy it until I saw a girl wearing it and thought how cute it was!

Another handbag for Munich and some pillowcases for the pillow.

I somehow failed to pack some black heels into my boxes. I know, I can't believe it either. But it's okay, I got these shoes from Office/Selfridges! 

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