Monday, August 22, 2011


I picked up a bit of a lurgy while in Spain that turned into a hacking cough. I was told to get an over the counter homeopathic cough syrup called Meditonsil. If I didn't have to go to an Arzt (medical doctor), I'd try anything!

As I walked into the Apotheke (pharmacy), I told the Apothekerin (pharmacist f.) that ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch. I then asked for the medicine and she instructed me in slow German that I was supposed to take a teaspoon every hour, but no more than 12 times a day, and ...something something something that I couldn't translate. She then asked me if I understood and I repeated the dosage instructions and she added the bit I didn't understand but smiled because I clearly understood most of it. I took a bit of it and didn't think too much of it.  

The next day I was taking one of my hourly spoonfuls when people snickered that I was already on the meditonsil. When I queried what was so funny, they asked me what the dosage instructions were. I parroted them back when I got the reply, "Did they tell you not to drive a car? No? Look at the bottle." 

Meditonsil is 6% vol. alcohol.  

Gotta say, the stuff worked though!


Jul said...

Of course it worked! my mum always knows about the good stuff! :)

Pooey said...

Alcohol numbs the pain. Always does the job.

word verif: bronsiti