Friday, September 28, 2012

Es beginnt...

Oh yes, Oktoberfest (Wiesn) began last Saturday. Unlike last year, it was an absolutely filthy cold and raining day (14C!!!), but Ele, Ruben, David, some of Ele's friends, and I toughed it out to watch the parade and then try to get into a tent! The tent attempt didn't work and we decided to go back to a Stachus to go to a bierhalle for our Wiesn Festbiere. 
Waiting in the rain to get into the tent.

Much happier at the Augustiner Grossgastaette. Yes, I am drinking a litre of weissbier.

My jaegerbraten. LECKER!!!

Eventually we decided that - stuff it! - we got dressed in tracht to go to Wiesn, we were going back to Wiesn to try and get in somewhere! Eventually we decided to brave the cold and sit in the Lowenbraue biergarten.
Ele being pretty.

Ruben being handsome *cough*

With our biers!

At the end of the night...


Anyway, I was really glad that I was wearing my puffa and mini gumboots that day over my dirndl. Ele had to throw her shoes out :(

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