Thursday, February 13, 2014

Awesomeness in the gym

Wednesday evening in the gym. As a general rule, I prefer the elliptical trainer and/or rowing machine over all other cardio equipment. Unfortunately, it was so busy that all these machines were occupied and I instead headed to the treadmill. The treadmill isn't good for my bad ankle but I figured a relatively short 15 minute run shouldn't be too bad - I mean, I normally do twice as long on the elliptical. I started off quite slowly, more like a trot, and then after a few minutes, I thought I'd up the speed. By the end of the run, I was sweating and quite happy when the cooldown arrived and I could walk (at speed). Then I picked up  my towel to wipe the sweat off my face when...CRASH! I fell off the treadmill!

Did I scream? Yes, I did.
Did an attendant come and ask me if I was alright while I was lying on the floor? Yes, he did.
Did the guys on the treadmills next to me stop running and help me up? No, they did not! (Chivalry is dead in this country.)

I picked myself off the floor to do some pilates and core work but trying to stretch and balance while my limbs and ass hurt from when I hit the floor/equipment, I decided that it was actually time to slink home and examine my wounds. That bruise on my leg is going to be sweet when it turns purple.

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