Monday, February 10, 2014

Back to bouldering!

The Spanish friends with whom I tried on that horrendous red wig were going bouldering the next day and they invited me along. Lo and behold their surprise when they saw that I did the easiest colour (blue/black) very easily, and made it all the way through yellow/black polka dots, yellow/black, yellow, and then to green. I 'fessed up that I had previously bouldered in Melbs, but gave it up through a combination of Phud getting in the way and waiting for my hand to heal.

And I did enjoy myself. Since I've left Melbs, I've dropped about 3kg and I felt much more comfortable hanging up there. So comfortable in fact, that I was sometimes hanging there while friends tried to advise me on which hand or foothold to make next. Despite the seeming ease and comfort, the day ended when I did this:
That's pretty much the same damage I did to my hand in this photo!

So here's to hoping it doesn't take me another 5 years to wait until my next visit. 

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